So, with a little command line magic, it’s possible to get the King’s Quest series to run directly on OS X: The good news is that DOSBox is cross platform and runs fine on OS X, too.
To get around this, they actually ship with DOSBox, an open source Intel x86 and DOS emulator. Since KQ1 through 6 were written for DOS, they cannot be run directly on Windows 2000 and XP. It requires Windows 2000 and XP, and I run OS X. But, alas, the others are original, and this compilation is still worth it. For some stupid reason, King’s Quest 1 is the VGA remake from 1990, not the EGA original from 1983. This means, for example, that if the game used Mike Tyson, we get Mike Tyson, not Mr. What’s nice about this collection is that they are the original games, unmodified, not redone. Luckily, Sierra/Vivendi has re-released games 1 through 7 under the name King’s Quest Compilation for under $20. I always played on a friend’s computer (we only had an Apple ][). I was a big fan of the King’s Quest series on the PC in the DOS days.